Friday, September 17, 2010

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Sorry i haven't posted up anything in a while. We went on vacation (which i threw up through 3/4 of) and this week i have been busy getting everything back in shape, plus yesterday was my birthday and my hubby has been sick for the past few yeah...lots on my plate.

I know i know, this is not a "cooking" recipe, but its still a recipe! lol
This is saving me SO much money!

Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe

Ivory soap bars (plain with no scent or you can use Fels Naptha or another plain soap bar)
Baking Soda (get a big box)
OxiClean powder (or cheap equivalent) (this is an optional addition)

Okay this is so simple and cheap its crazy. The Ivory soap i got a 12 pack for $3, the Borax was $3 and the Baking Soda was about $2 (and i got the huge box!) and the OxiClean was $2 at the Dollar Store.

Take and finely grate 3/4 of a bar of the soap in a big bowl, add 1 cup Borax, 1 cup Baking Soda and optional 2 scoops OxiClean.
Toss with a fork and store in a large jar.
Use 2-3 Tablespoons in your wash (HE frontloaders you only need about 2 Tablespoons, i use 3 in my top loader).
Now this will leave you with a lot of stuff left. Total what you bought should give you around 5 of these recipes. I made up all of mine and put it in a huge old pickle jug. This will last me about 6 months!! You save SOOOO much money and your clothes come out smelling and looking clean and fresh!
You can also add a drop of essential oil to 1 recipe then toss to scent it. I have a jar of Lavender scented and a Spearmint Eucalyptus jar for my bedding.
Here are some photos of when i was making mine:o)

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